Editorial Policy

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FinAndCrypto: Your Crypto and Blockchain News Source

At FinAndCrypto we deliver the latest news, in-depth analysis, exclusive interviews and expert opinion pieces. We want to be the go to media platform for all things crypto and blockchain.

Our Mission

The crypto space is full of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) but our mission is to get to the truth behind every story. We want to educate and inform our growing audience and we are not the crypto authority. Readers must do their own research and make their own decisions. At FinAndCrypto we focus on fair and accurate reporting that the industry needs. We are passionate about blockchain and bring honest insights into the market and new developments.

Copyright & Attribution

We adhere to the highest journalistic standards, all content is sourced from original sources and attributed. Our reporting is based on well established news organisations such as Reuters, Bloomberg, CNBC and Forbes. When we cover stories that have already been reported elsewhere we always credit the original source.

Ethics Policy

Our editorial team follows strict journalistic guidelines. However, in the crypto space things are not always black and white. Some stories may be presented differently depending on the circumstances, but we are committed to integrity and transparency.

As an independent media outlet finandcrypto is neutral in its coverage. We do not engage in “pay for play” journalism. Our writers are not allowed to accept any form of payment for covering specific crypto projects or initiatives.

Commitment to Fair Reporting

Our editorial team is committed to fair and balanced reporting. We investigate each story to give our audience an accurate representation of events. We may publish controversial opinion pieces to spark debate but we always strive to present multiple sides of an issue. If there is another side to a story we are open to hearing and considering it.

No Crypto Tribalism

At FinAndCrypto we do not engage in crypto tribalism. We cover a wide range of projects to reflect the true state of the industry so our audience gets a broad understanding of the evolving blockchain landscape.

No Fake News

We fact check every article before publication but if we make a mistake we own up and correct it. Transparency is key and we will do everything to maintain our credibility.

Independence and Integrity

No one dictates our editorial stance or content. FinAndCrypto acts in the best interest of our readers. We do not accept payments from organisations for promotional coverage. Opinion articles are the views of the author and will always be clearly labelled as such.

Corrections Policy

Mistakes happen – we are human after all. If we get anything wrong we encourage our readers to let us know. Our editorial team reviews all alerts and if necessary we correct the error. Updates are marked with an editor’s note at the top of the article and we ensure corrections are posted on our social media channels.

If you think an article is incorrect please contact our editorial team at hello@finandcrypto.com. Please include the article link, the specific error and the correct information. We will verify and respond to all concerns within 24 hours.

Shaping the Future of Cryptocurrency: A Look at the Potential Influences
Shaping the Future of Cryptocurrency: A Look at the Potential Influences
Exchange Rates
$ 87,852.540.27%
$ 2,066.081.06%
$ 3.592.87%

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